Yay! Another blog award. I enjoy getting these because it makes me think that someone is actually looking at my blog!
When you receive this award you are suppose to:
1) thank the person who gave this award to me and link it back to their blog
2) share 8 things about myself
3) pass this award to 8 other individuals that I have recently discovered
4) leave a comment so that they can pass along the recognition!
Thank to Danielle at
Chickie's Crafty Nest for the award! It's fun to share idea with new Cricutters, as I consider myself a newbie!
Now, 8 things about myself.
1. I have been with my husband since 1998, when I was a sophomore in high school. We have been married for 6 years!
2. I have a master's degree in elementary education, which I consider my crowning achievement in my life thus far.
3. I am a sports nut; I love to watch football, the Olympics, softball, volleyball, gymnastics and many more. But I absolutely hate basketball!
4. I love to read--I read every night before bed and it lets me escape and relax before sleeping.
5. I love all things girly--pink, glitter, stars.
6. I love flip flops--I would wear them every day of the year if I didn't live in Ohio where it snows often!
7. I dream about a scraproom, but can't imagine not crafting while my hubby watches tv right next to me.
8. I love Taco Bell, like really love it! Last meal will be crunchy tacos and an ice cream sundae!
Now, to the hard part, 8 blogs that I want to pass the award too. I am sure some of these people already have it, but they are new to me.
Card Monkey
Mud Pie Reality
Simply Shaddock
The Creative Stamper Spot
You Had Me at Scrap
Flair and Frills Creativity
Crafty Card Gallery
I will be participating in a blog hop with of these great crafters on February 26 and hope you can join us! I have loved checking out their blogs!
Thanks again to Danielle!